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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Introduction

Lately I have been completely obsessed with fashion. As a teen I always tried to be in the know fashion wise, even if I was the only one in Oklahoma who actually tried a few trends. I have always been a huge fan of leopard prints, bright colors and high heels. Today I am trying my best to stick with classic styles and bring a little flare with a trendy piece here and a quirky piece there. I have a goal to never make it onto TLC's "What Not to Wear". Also, I am on a budget. This restricts how much I can spend on a certain item. I scour magazines and websites looking for ones that hold the key to my budget woes!! I have been able to keep up with the fashions for quite some time without breaking the bank. End-of-season sales are always great for staple items (try not to buy trendy items after they've gone out of season because they will soon go out of style as well). And splurge on the trendy item when it hits the rack. This doesn't mean go find the most expensive dress and say hey... it's trendy... it's now... I have to have it. Still keep in mind there are some GREAT stores that will keep you within your budget. One of my FAVES and is featured - in some aspect - in nearly EVERY Lucky magazine... Maurice's!! They are budget friendly and trend friendly. But more on that later... I hope you will follow my blog and go on this adventure with me.

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