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Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Make Spring's Trends Work for You! Ankle-Straps

Trend #2 - Day Clutches
Essentially these clutches are just bigger. You can't really go wrong with this trend. However, if you buy a neon handbag and tend to carry it near your belly, guess where the eye is going to go. Or, say you have a small chest and you tend to carry your bag under your arm... well, you get the point. Remember, handbags are where you should GO ALL OUT! Not that I am saying you should blow an entire paycheck (actually, the opposite might be smart) but you should make it a bold statement. The one above suited my personality well (which is why I chose it) but pick one that makes a statement!!

 Trend #3 - Ankle Straps!
This is a great trend for spring because we will all be wearing skirts, shorts, even cropped pants and what better way to showcase a stunning pair of legs :).

For the thick girl: This trend can definitely work for you. Don't shy away from it just because you are a bigger girl. Word of warning though, if you have cankles (and let's be honest, some bigger girls do) and you are embarrassed by them, this trend will only draw more attention to your problem area. For me, I have very defined ankles (chalk it up to the fact that I was a catcher my entire life) but I have large calves. I can never find boots that fit, so when spring/summer rolls around I am ready to wear my ankle-strap, sexy heels.

For the skinny girl: Again, this trend can work for you. However, if you have a lanky figure, this trend may not be the best idea. Bony ankles just look... bony with an ankle strap around them. But if you have defined calves and you have a thicker ankle, GO FOR IT! Remember, you can get away with bolder fashions so keep your accessories muted.

For the in-between girl: THIS trend was meant for you!!! Rock it! You have the ideal legs to pull this look off. Show off those sexy ankles! Don't you know the ankles were once considered the sexiest part of the female body? Show the world why!

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